Selling  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Legend of the Phoenix VIP6 top account in EU

Discussion in 'Legend of the Phoenix Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by DeadRose, 9/12/21.

  1. DeadRose

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    Account is not bound to any social media.

    9k ingots left to vip7

    About server: merged server with female generals and CS rankings introduced. Not very competitive, so if you’re interested in winning rankings - that’s a good place for you. Also no drama there.

    Power: 245k, top5 on the server.

    Partners: 44, including all prices, dukes, female generals, Zhao Rou, Ning Xiang, Lanling King, Li Bai, Du **

    Confidants: 18, including Yin Qi, Han Zigao, Lanling King. Han Zigao collection outfit unlocked

    Rankings: won Iron Teeth 5 times, Timeless beauty once. Account is developed for debates.

    Story progress: Chapter 162

    Academy: 6 slots, skill lv 11, article lv 9

    Pigeons: 3

    Foster child slots: 5

    Guild: place in top guild on the server

    Recipes: Roasted meat zongzi

    Razor’s edge quick battle unlocked

    Plenty of +1% items such as titles, picture, palace sceneries (anniversary and summer resort), boudoirs.

    Enough clothes for you to change daily upload_2021-9-12_15-35-58.gif

    I’m accepting bids. Please PM me for any questions and your offers!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.