Sold Selling a set of 4 accounts - 50

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by GenshinWaifu, 9/10/21.

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  1. GenshinWaifu

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    All 4 of them for $50
    You can use it for a farming clan
    I am the original owner of these account, guarantee no modding/hacking have ever been used

    All of these account have NOT gotten All-Time Best Rank 1 in BA/PA
    only around Rank 150 to 200 in BA and around Rank 300 to 600 in PA, so there are still around 20k+ Jewels can be claimed if you hit Rank 1 in both BA and PA

    Payment method: Payal Family and friend

    Discord: GenshinWaifu#2696
    #1 GenshinWaifu, 9/10/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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