Sold [EN] END GAME 40x5 680k ttp

Discussion in 'Princess Connect Re:Dive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Gaubeomup, 9/9/21.

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  1. Gaubeomup

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    End-game Princess Connect account

    Account-level 107
    Story 15-14, all dungeon complete
    5*: Karyl (Summer), Kuka, Nozomi, Miyako, Monika, Mitsuki, Tamaki, Yukari, Saren, Hatsune, Maho, Lima, Shiori, Yui, Akari. Hiyori
    680k total power
    Over 96k~ jewel and 10k cb reward coming
    And many resources
    Play since the game start, so you don't miss any story event
    Transfer using id and password.

    Payment: paypal(friend and family)
    Please dm me to verify.
    Discord: gaubeomup#1887
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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