Sold [WTS] Rank 6 (Mobage) with 153 SSR chars and 97 summons / 171 Gold Moon / 1 Tier I, II and III from lottery

Discussion in 'Granblue Fantasy Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/DeejayDoom, 9/8/21.

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  1. /u/DeejayDoom

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    Selling a rank 6 account (Mobage login) with:

    - 153 SSR characters, including 45+ limited characters

    - 97 SSR summons

    - Enough weapons at level 100-200 and skill level 10-20 to start a grid of every element

    - 64 Gold Spellbook to help leveling characters

    - 3 Gold Bar, 12 Damascus Bar, 8 Sunlight Stone

    - 171 Gold Moon (enough for a Siero Ticket), 429 Bronze Moon and 815 Bronze Moon

    - 1 Tier I reward (Siero Ticket), 1 Tier II reward (seasonal character of choice or 100.000 crystals) and 1 Tier III reward (Grand character of choice) from lottery

    - 35 pages of Fate Episodes (over 15.000 crystals). Name change available, birthday not set, Beginner's Ticket available


    Price: 100€ (in euros, price #) with PayPal family and friends (only verified users and you pay any fee, if there's any).

    Sold accounts worth a total of more than 1.5K $. Reference thread:

    More than 400 positive votes on Steamtrades:

    Add me on Discord (DeejayDoom#2723) or Steam (

    # #/DeejayDoom
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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