Sold [Global] Endgame account A2, 2B, Noelle, Griff, Argo, Gayle | 112k force | 40

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Demiurg, 9/7/21.

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  1. Demiurg

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    Selling account because don't have anymore time to play it.
    Account is fully prepared for endgame and upcoming contents, such as subjugation and tower.
    One of each hero leveled to max.
    9 max level companions.
    Lots of resources. Universal bookmarks and 1 black pearl unused.
    Multiple memoir sets for both PvE and PvP.
    Many weapon choices for each element. All currently used have skills leveled and awakened.
    Stage 8 for dark Gayle's weapon, skills 14/15, MLB. Dark Lars weapon also MLB with 14/15...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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