Sold Soulworker JP Account Main Lily Lv 72 and Other 6 character lv 68 SubChara and lv 53 Nabi Lee

Discussion in 'SoulWorker Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Accsw, 9/7/21.

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  1. Accsw

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    Lily Lv72 Main with many costumes + wedding dress(Black) + hair ( half luna and VS Gear Accs, Weapon VS +9)
    AR Card - Tenebris 5*, Arua 5*, Junk Queen 5* , Rosca 5* , Beneris 5* , Rita 4*, Big Puppet 5* , Erwin 4*

    haru lv 68 + wedding dress + HH gear with Luna weapon +9
    iris lv 68 + wedding dress + HH gear with weapon +9
    chii lv 68 + wedding dress + luna Gear full with Luna weapon +9
    ephnel lv 68 + wedding dress + HH gear + Luna weapon +9
    stella lv 68 no costume + HH gear with weapon +9
    jin lv 68 no costume + HH gear with weapon +9
    nabi LV 53 lee no costume

    if want more info can contact me.
    Discord : Rev#4985

    Paypal Only
    #1 Accsw, 9/7/21
    Last edited: 9/12/21
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