Sold GL Endgame 100k power 4 MLB Chars A2, 2B, 2P

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sokaz, 8/26/21.

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  1. Sokaz

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    Hello All. I am looking to sell my GL Endgame Account that has 4 characters at max ascension. These characters are 90 A2, 90 2B, 90 2P and a max ascended event fio. Other notable characters include lvl 75 automata vol 2. akeha, 75 celebration noelle with 3 light spears, and celebration gayle. I also have a bunch of 4* weapons including 3 copies of BIS 1h sword of the Titan and 1 copy of seabone blade for element. I have 3 black pearls, 3 cubes (need 12 total to unlock ex char) and currently...

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