Sold (GL)HIGHEND acc max A2 2B, 2P, and more 80k force 200 (f2p)

Discussion in 'Nier Reincarnation Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AkiraEpic, 8/26/21.

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  1. AkiraEpic

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    Need to sell quickly a highend nier reincarnation account
    Specifications :
    - 80k+ force
    - Max ascend A2
    - Max ascend Dress-up Fio
    - Ascended Summer Akeha 3x
    - Ascended 2B 2x
    - Ascended 9S 2x
    - 2P
    - Summer Rion
    - Summer Fio
    - Black costume Gayle
    - Black costume Daimos
    - Baldman
    - White Akeha
    - White Fio
    - Hooded Akeha
    - 4* Spearman

    A lot of good weapon evolved and max out, lv, and skills

    Have 5k+ gems
    A 10x summon ticket
    500+ Mama medals, almost enough to buy a 4* ticket
    17k+ medal, almost...

    Read more
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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