Selling geared 115 Ranger with full inventory included -Tradable: x17 one day rants x10 2hour 50% charm of might -Non tradable: x19 1 day extender x1 30 day extender acc bound x15 2hours charm of might 50% x10 enhanced charm of might 50% x21 4 hours charm of might 50% x1 30 Day rant Some SC items and DB One-hand sword skin -Many farm leftovers -Full gear (GODLY DDF set, legendary xbow 115 + DB skin, +10 Def brace t2, 95 jewels) -400 attendance points (MAINLY i kept them if u want to change gender and appearance, use them for whatever) -Marriage buff *Most of the items listed above are still in the premium inventory *Gear and Jewels are enhanced to +4, the weapon is ofc +12 *Mount not included (if that's an issue, can add +5 Ramy) *Price of the account is calculated based on the value of ALL the items that are on the account CURRENTLY Ofcourse, e-mail will be handed over aswell. Please do not hesitate to contact me if u need any further info/screenshots of inventroy/gears/stats/skillpoints etc. Leoric#9761