Sold 1000 Discord Members

Discussion in 'Discord Members for Sale - Buy & Sell | Cheap & Fast' started by 07seven, 8/23/21.

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  1. 07seven

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    1000 Discord Members
    I have found an exploit within discord that allowed me to spam the creation of bots on multiple accounts and then I was able to code these bots to not appear within the server list with the help of the role they are given upon joining. If you didn't know, every discord bot is automatically given a role upon joining and through my exploit I am able to deny permission to view ANY channel on the discord server meaning only the owner and possibly some admins will be able to see the bot because in the Member List, you are only able to see people who have permission to see the channel in the member list ( You can test this if you have a staff chat that is private to everyone else. )

    Why I think this is your best option for members
    Well first of all, you will instantly gain 1000 members (I recommend being offline for when I start adding them also if you have Discord welcome members or MEE6 then change that to a private channel) and this is a huge boost for any server as from there you will only grow faster and also this piece of code was developed by me meaning no one else has this exploit.

    Dm me on discord 7.#9990 to purchase. You can buy my Online deal where all the bots can be online 24/7 (I used uptimerobot accounts for this and also replit) or my slightly cheaper deal where I'll get you 100 members for $5 instead.
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