Server: Global (it is DIFFERENT from US Server!) Login: Temporary Mail (password can be changed via in-game) Account Level: 44 Stage: 8-15 Frost/Molten/Emerald/Thunder Spire: 31/1/1/14 (more source of Starflare) Lumamber: 30k Special/Normal Starflare: 0/7 SS Star Gem: 65 Star Gem: 2642 Old Seal: Regal; Progress 2/5; Stage 3/4 3 type of 5* Selector, 22k Text Fragment, 53pcs Recharger Pack, etc 6*: Carleen, Sharona, Charon, Sinsa, 2xWrath, Nikinis (all max equipment except Nikinis still... [GLOBAL] Level 44 with 7 6* and 30k Lumamber