Selling  Master  Android  Average  Level 150+  Original Owner (Yes) Call of duty Mobile

Discussion in 'Call of Duty Mobile Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell CODM Account' started by Abhishek27, 8/21/21.

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  1. Abhishek27

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    My Location:
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    From the beginning
    WhatsApp +91 7483885693
    Insta: abhi_kujalli
    Safe and secure
    Once you receive account you can change Gmail

    150 level,

    Mp: 95k kills, k/d:1.9-2.0, 3 season Legendary

    Br:2 season legendary, 6k kills

    As I told I've spent nearly 202US$ .

    From Season 5 - season -13 battle pass, New season battle pass from S1-S6.

    Nearly 130+ epic skins for only guns, 250+ overall epic skins.

    And all grindable camos like gold(all) , platinum(all) , damascus (except.mx9, wrench, Rytec Amr, machete) idk why they didn't provided.

    Operators: Other than battle pass, nearly 20+ epic characters and guns from crates, bundles

    Like :firebreak 2 bundles, serpha dragon dance, Rambo bundle, moonstone bundle, Nomad distraction bundle, Ruin Goblin king bundle, Dlq 33 red action bundle, Dlq33 blue screen from crate.

    Not including Sks, holger, skateboard, 1 shotgun, NA 45, Rytec AMR. These don't have any epic skins.

    Nearly 20 epic Wingsuit + parachute. Epic skins for all vehicle notwithstanding skateboard and muscle car .

    I've left out with only ghost and shorty in Legendary ghost draw which other all items purchased in that draw.

    Kruger skin from holger draw, ICR Meteor core from peacekeeper mk2,

    20+ emots(epic+rare) , 25 +epic bagpacks

    30+epic skins (totally)for tactical&lethal equipment

    No aether crystal camos bcz I am not active player of Zombie mode.

    I wanna charge 300US $ but Ive spent not only money but my time and patience on this game. Sad to sell my account but need of urgent money.
    #1 Abhishek27, 8/21/21
    Last edited: 8/21/21
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