I am selling quite a good account with full lvl 10 army and a lot of 9s and 8s and a lot of lvl 15 heroes! All the important heroes are up to at least level 15 (Arthur, Selene, Aly, Chione etc.). I spent a large amount of money on heroes and troops so far. I didn't counted the total but I belive it's more then 15k. All Growth Funds are bought (Medals, Gems and Coins) AND I am EXP - Level 71. You'll have at least 10k medals or the resources (gems and scrolls) for this at the moment of your purchase. VIP is bought for this month / big and small 30-Day Super Gem Supply is there for 53 more days. All important troops, heroes and other information are attached as pictures. The account is linked to an extra facebook gaming account, so you get the access to this account!