Selling   Europe  PS4 Psn account (with modded starter saves)

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by Gensky-, 8/19/21.

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  1. Gensky-

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    [This account does NOT include games listed below, you must already own them. This is just an account with save progress!]

    I put alot of time and effort into modding these saves so the price is fair in my opinion. I am selling this as I no longer have time to play anymore because of irl stuff. My account comes with many modded saves you can use for the following games:

    **Before you buy make sure you have a USB, a pc or # and an email where you can recieve the modded game saves for the account after purchase!**

    Remnant: From the Ashes
    -near Unlimited materials
    -God Mode
    -Instant kill weapons

    Monster hunter World
    -Master rank 343
    -Hunter Rank 588
    -High rarity gear
    -Decorated room
    -many armor layers
    -Iceborne gear included!
    -playtime: 892:21:55

    Borderlands collection
    -The pre sequel, BL2 and BL3
    -Includes modded gear and max level character

    Farcry 5
    -Game save progress is about 30%
    -Modded money, most materials

    Ghost of Tsushima
    -Modded singleplayer only
    -Infinite resolve (Near God Mode)
    -Max money

    Dead Island Definitive edition
    -Modded starter save after prologue
    -God mode
    -Level 20, modded weapons
    -all blueprints
    -999999999 cash

    Dying Light
    -Modded starter save + End game save
    -Max legend, survivor, agility and power
    -All weapons in the game are included
    -2 billion stacks of all materials, upgrades, medkits and all outfits.

    Days Gone
    -End game save
    -max materials and ammo (Modified)

    Yakuza 0
    -9999999 money + CP

    -Almost God mode
    -Unlimited stamina
    -Unlimited ammo
    -Unlimited health potions
    -Max Upgraded weapons
    -Max level hunter
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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