Selling  Europe  60+  Multiple Characters 62 Elite Ninja 614 GS ( DOOM ) + Reroll Ready

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by speedy06, 6/27/21.

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  1. speedy06

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    My Location:
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    For more info Discord>>>> Barış#7223
    * 62 lvl Elit Ninja
    * Full tet items + Pen Kutum Branded + Pen Kzarka Branded with 7lvl Caph. armors are 4lvl caph. except dim.Tet Black Star Aw. with Karanda Hearth Pen Heve with 7 lvl Chap.
    * Ninja Desert camo. + Guardian Ynixtra prem set.+ Ninja Dark Martial armour and Dark Martial helmet + Sicarios Shortsword
    * 285 ap main
    * 284 ap aw.
    * 329 dp
    * 61 Guardian Tagged
    * New 1ap-1dp quest not comp.
    * Reroll ready ( full weapon change 1x main, 2x sub, 1x aw.)
    * 13x caracter slots ( 61 Guardian, 58 archer, 61 tamer, 61 striker, 61 nova, 61 Has, 60 shai, 60 DK, 62 Ninja, 60 maewha, 60 sroc, 61 sage, 1 lvl season Cors )

    * 141fs 130+10 Valks
    * 111fs 110fs
    * Not opend Fs x1 150, x3 100, x1 90, x3 80, x1 70, x1 60 and a lot of 60- Fs.
    * 50 Artisan Memory, 175 Valks Cry
    * Pen Capotia Ring, Pen Capotia Belt, Tet Capotia Earing
    * 227x Mass of Pure Magic
    * 140x Flawless Magical Black Stone

    * 436 engery
    * 339 contrubition

    * p2w tent
    * Tri loggia set (life exp)
    * Adventure log full finished
    * 7x Storage maid
    * 9x Marketplace maid
    * 3x Teliah orb.
    * 7x Mount Skill Change Coup.
    * 62 İnventory slot ex. coupon

    * Dream Horse Doom 25/25 Skill %100 Female
    * T4 Radiantly Shining Fairy Miraculous Cheer V 2sec oto pot, Tingling Breth V, Feathery Steps V, Fairy' Tear III
    * Tier 4 Ice Dragon
    * Tier 4 Crow
    * Tier 4 Dog
    * Tier 4 Cat
    * Tier 4 hedgedog
    * Tier 3 kukubird
    * Tier 4 Fox
    * Tier 3 Cat
    * Tier 1 Dog
    * Tier 1 Dragon
    * Tier 1 Dog (not opend)

    * 37x %300 Combat & Skill Exp Sc
    * 468x item collection increase scroll Blue, 65 item collection increase scroll Yellow,25 item collection increase scroll Green
    * 310x Blessed message scroll 100min %200 exp + skill
    * 101x %530 combat & skill exp scroll
    * 130x %600 combat & skill exp scoll
    * 36x GM's blessing scroll
    * 824x chapras stone
    * 20x worker ( 4x skilled, 10x professional, 6x artisan )
    * 67days value pack not opened
    * 126days old moon book not opened
    * 123days kamasilviya tree not opened

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. Bastian BB

    Bastian BB
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    High Risk Status: User has been flagged by the system for one or more reasons. Proceed with caution.

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    I just came to give advice to sellers and do not use middleman services.
    middlemen are a thieves.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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