Sold Selling strong 700k bp account

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bxullets, 8/18/21.

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  1. bxullets

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    Selling a mha strongest hero account. It has 700k bp. Aizawa, endeavor, all might at s rank. It has all of the class 1a s heroes. Tokoyami is at ss. It has all the class 1a heroes at ss. Uraraka is at sss. Froppy and denki are getting close to sss. Ojiro is at s rank. The account also has 50/100 pity on the limited banner and 50 event tickets. That will guarantee a new character. It also has 98/100 on the limited support card banner. The gears and hero rating are good. The gears are at 19503...

    Selling strong 700k bp account
    #1 bxullets, 8/18/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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