Selling [Buying] Pvp based acc with Ascension, Legendarys and all mounts

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lookatme2, 8/18/21.

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  1. lookatme2

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    Hi guys,

    im searching a guild wars 2 acc which is pvp based!

    - Should have all mounts with some skins

    - Legendarys (Ascension is a must)

    - ascended gear should be on it too

    - ap should be around 7k - 13k

    Budget would be around 200 - 250 eur ( Would also be able to trade, since im trying to sell my main acc to get a fresh new one)

    For further questions/informations add me on discord or pm me here!

    Discord:Look at me#0800

    Have a great day!
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