Selling  High End  North America Casual NA Account with Great Premiums - Thunderer, Smaland, Austin, Friesland, FDR etc

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WarshipNow, 8/17/21.

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  1. WarshipNow

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    My Location:
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    T-10: Shimakaze, Yamato, Gearing, Des Moines, Worcester, Salem, Austin, Montana, FDR, A Nevsky, Petropavlosk, Kremlin, Slava, G Kurfurst, M Richtofen, Daring, Minotaur, Thunderer

    T-9: Alaska, Alaska B, Georgia, Agir, ZF-6, Jean Bart B, Paolo Emilio, Friesland,
    Yugamo, Kitakaze, Seattle, Iowa, Tashkent, Riga, Sov Soyuz, Z-46, Roon, Jutland, Neptune, Lion, Mogador, Saint-Louis, Alsace

    T-8: Kidd, Anchorage, Massachusetts, ARP Takao, Mogami, Lexington, GJ Maerker, Bismark, Amalfi

    All T-5 ARP Battleships and Captains and a few others.

    Commanders: Lutjens, Kuznetsov, John Doe, Franz Jutland, Charles Henri Honore, Da Rong

    Resources: 65k Free XP, ~1500 doubloons, 20mil Credits, 352k Coal, 5.3k Steel

    Most ships have a captain between 10-19 points, Most tech trees grinded up fairly far Tier-8 through T-10, many permanent and special camos for ships

    See images to lower tier premiums and other ships.

    I'm moving on to another game.

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