Sold [EU] BP 560K+ 15k hero coins 90 summon event ticket

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Flythy, 8/17/21.

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  1. Flythy

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    Want sell or trade for 7ds Grand Cross, Dragon Ball Legends
    The account has purchased a battle pass and different set ( all on screens )

    Lvl: Tlvl 5 ( Region 12 )
    BP: 560k+
    15k hero coins
    - 90 summon event ticket

    - All MIght S
    - Aizawa S
    - Endevour S
    - Uraraka SSS
    - Tokoyami S
    - Bakugo SS
    - Ojiro SSS
    - Kaminari SS-
    - Midoriya SS, Kirishima SS, Tenya Idia SS, Asui SS, Mineta SS
    8 6* Support card
    - Tokoyami EX
    - Mina EX ( Active...

    [EU] BP 560K+ 15k hero coins 90 summon event ticket
    #1 Flythy, 8/17/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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