Sold [Global] Endgame / Rank 114 / 31 6 OPs / 110 Pulls / Stockpile of Mats.

Discussion in 'Arknights Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by MilkSteak, 8/16/21.

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  1. MilkSteak

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    I'm looking to quit gacha, but have been playing Arknights since the start and having this account so deep into the game isn't letting me quit.

    There's 110 Pulls from 4 Ten-Roll Permit, 10 One-Pull Permit, 19k Orundum and 109 Originite. Guarantee to get Ash on R6 Banner.
    Current Pity is at 14 Pulls for Standard Banners.
    167 Unique Operators. 31 of which are 6★.
    Got Nian/Aak, Weedy, Rosmontis/Mudrock, Dusk/Saga. No W unfortunatelly.
    A lot of the Operators are max pot, including Silverash...

    [Global] Endgame / Rank 114 / 31 6★ OPs / 110 Pulls / Stockpile of Mats.
    #1 MilkSteak, 8/16/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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