THREE Months After Transaction was completed through Middleman, payment still witheld

Discussion in 'Disputes - Banned Scammers' started by StarP, 8/4/21.

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  1. StarP

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    My Location:
    It has been more than three months since my transaction was completed. Transaction was started in April 24st, 2021 and Completed on April 24th 2021

    The "Official Statement" made by @Admin of states:


    My transaction does not fit within the window claimed to be affected by's @Admin as the order was made on April 24th 2021 and completed on April 24th 2021 - So why have I still not been paid MORE THAN THREE MONTHS after the order was made and completed?

    The 90 day window that's @Admin claimed would be needed to process payments has nearly expired


    The reason I sold my account through was because of urgent need for the money otherwise I would not have sold an account which had significantly more money spent on it for only $2450. Now your employees continue to ignore the issue that was caused due to PlayerUp's own negligence.

    Are you going to continue to ignore everyone who has not been paid the funds that were paid to PlayerUp's "Escrow" system or are you trying to lie to everyone? @Middleman @Admin @Help

    I have run out of patience. The actions of the support team and their disregard of users who are owed money has not made the situation any better.
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