Sold Selling main account early game 7 6 ops all S Tier or higher 15 CHEAP

Discussion in 'Arknights Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by slopez23, 8/2/21.

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  1. slopez23

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    This is my main account that I’m selling. It’s still in the early stages of the game (chapter 3), with a lot of very strong 6* units as well as 5* units.

    6 stars: silverash, thorns, Weedy, W x2, Saria, Nightingale, Hoshiguma

    Account also has 17 5* units.

    If you’re interested in buying this account feel free to message me here or on discord...

    Selling main account; early game; 7 6* ops all S Tier or higher $15 CHEAP
    #1 slopez23, 8/2/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
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