Sold End game account cata 39 - Skillavarage 48 - 12 mslayer exp - mvp+ ofcape

Discussion in 'Hypixel Skyblock Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by michealjordan, 7/31/21.

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  1. michealjordan

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    yes this is my main account i quitted for school thats why im selling
    bought from i got all questions and email accsess
    btc or transferwise ( we will wait till i see the money in my bank )
    2.3k playtime hypixel level 116
    discord Walter#0235
    Comment some offers, Im willing to go cheap.

    Nice island + multiple layers of farm
    27 minion slot
    skill avg 48 Taming 50 enchanting 60 Alchemy 50(but enough xp for 60) farming 47 combat 60(20m+ xp over) fishing 35 mining 51 foraging 28...

    End game account cata 39 - Skillavarage 48 - 12 mslayer exp - mvp+ ofcape
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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