Sold WTS High end account with many legendaries (150 )

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by oniz8567, 7/28/21.

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  1. oniz8567

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    Hi! I'm selling this account.
    Highest Arena rank > Challenger II
    Highest Novice Arena rank > Challenger III
    This account has 2 paid costumes (bride Valze and genderbent Velfern which are worth 100$ itself)
    For any question contact me here or discord Overlord#5460

    Account info:

    Valze+15 (Companion V)
    Mamomir+15 (Companion V)
    Slain+15 (Companion V)
    Lucius+15 (Companion V)
    Velfern+15 (Companion V)
    Levia+13 (Companion III)
    Seto+13 (Companion V)
    Celia+12 (Companion...

    WTS High end account with many legendaries (150$)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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