Selling  Europe  PC  Google  Male  Original Owner (Yes) [AR56] EU 7 5 characters 3 5 weapons 5 4 characters C6

Discussion in 'Genshin Impact Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Alberto00, 7/27/21.

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  1. Alberto00

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    You can even contact me on discord ( Albeh#9810 )

    ✱List of characters✱


    Ayaka C0
    Ganyu C0 (endgame build)
    Zhongli C0 (endgame build)
    Venti C0 (endgame build)
    Mona C1
    Qiqi C0
    Eula C0


    Xiangling C6
    Ningguang C6 (endgame build)
    Fischl C6 (endgame build)
    Barbara C6 -alternative outfit unlocked-
    Diona C6
    Bennet C3 (endgame build)
    Xingqiu C3 (endgame build)
    Razor C2 (endgame build)
    Sucrose C1
    Kaeya C1
    Yanfei C1
    Noelle C3
    Rosaria C4
    Chongyun C3
    Lisa C1
    Bidou C0
    Amber C0

    ✱List of weapon✱


    Skyward Harp R2
    Skyward Atlas R1
    Skyward Spine R1


    Dodoco Tales R5
    Prototype Archaic R5
    Festering Desire R5
    Sacrificial Sword R5
    Windblume Ode R5
    The Widsith R3
    Prototype Crescent R1
    Sacrificial Bow R4
    Favonius Warbow R2
    Dragon's Bane R4
    Prototype Rancour R2
    Prototype Starglitter R2
    Prototype Amber R2
    Snow-Tombed Starsilver R1
    Mappa Mare R1
    Favonius Sword R1
    Crescent Pike R2
    Rainslasher R3
    Lion's Roar R1
    The Flute R2
    Rust R3
    The Stringless R2
    Eye of Perception R2
    Sacrificial Fragments R2
    Dragonspire Spear R1
    Favonius Lance R1
    Sacrificial Greatsword R1
    The Bell R1
    Favonius Greatsword R1

    A lot of materials, Characters Development Items (more than 1 thousand Hero's Wit), and 800 5★ artifacts
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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