Sold [Selling] ArcheAge account server Arkanis EU cheap and great

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by chronostime, 7/26/21.

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  1. chronostime

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    Hello !

    My account is really great if you want to farm gold superfast, and grow a huge farm/houses zone with farming items. I was doing that mostly all days, farming gold, farming plants, farming items, that's why i have many houses, many farms, i was doing a lot of RP too.
    I didn't do much of pvp so the GS is a bit low around 4000+, but with all the stuff you can sell the houses, farms, stuff, etc and build your own easy, or farm as me and buy one.

    The account is sold with 1230 gold on it + all the farms, currently the farms on it (the plans in inventory as you can see on screens) :
    2 plans farm 24x24 lunar farms.
    3 plans farm 24x24 gloriette.
    One house on water 28x28 ! bungalow plan.
    My favorite of all, my two plans of Desserted Cottage !! 28x28 and procure chocolate for decorations !
    1 plan farm 16x16.
    1 chest 50 slots.
    1 normal house 16x16.
    Many rewards chest never opened as you can see on screen, because my account is old, so you will get a lot for free in them.
    AND my other favorite, the famous beautiful FURIA B200 this car is super fast, beautiful, i bought the pack of 145 euros in the past to get it, so it's expansive and worth money, that will up the value of the account.
    i got the small gorgone ship too.
    1 plan farm of recoltors (for plants and farm auto) 24x24.
    1 aqua farm 16x16 + the other house.
    251 fidelity points not used.
    lvl 11 ancestral.
    Also 22.228 honors points not used as you can see on screens.
    And also 48.221 points not used as you can see on screens.

    For the payment, i accept only paypal.
    I'm super fast, once you talk to me on discord.

    The price will be since i invested a lot in this account : 65 euros.

    To contact me discord : Kiony#5028
    (Add me only if you are ready to buy)

    [​IMG] gerg — ImgBB




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