Selling  High End K33/S228/245M.

Discussion in 'Evony Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Viduck45, 7/26/21.

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  1. Viduck45

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    Keep 33 with 245M power on server 228, VIP13, rank Duke, wonder 1 is opened, wonder 2 is available for open (only badges and rss needed), 8 subs (main city sub is blue, one gold Arabia, one gold Korea, two gold Chinas, two purple Americas, one purple Korea), 26 historic epic generals with good cultivation: Minamoto as main PvP general with 5/6 Ares gears (good refining and lvl8 Celtic Demon), J. Johnston as main city defense general with full dragon set and lvl8 Norway Ridge, Takeda for monsters hunting and full dragon set, 4 Jindeoks, Alex the Great, Robert Bruce, Gustavus Adolphus with full dragon set for sieges, full set for subs (1 Margaret, 3 Neros, 1 Cixi, 1 Honda, 1 A. Jackson and 1 Arminius) and few generals for duty (Skandenberg for hospital, Ryol for workshop, Ban Ciao for archers tower, Askia Muhammad for trap factory), Shajar as alternative variation for main city defense general. Kit and Isabella are generals for archers camp and academy and Empress Wu for faster building subs. Academy, Rally Spot, Archers Camp, Wall, Archers Tower, Art Hall and Warehouse are at 32 level. Hospital is 31 level. 409K t13 archers, 729K t12 archers, good archers/sieges layering, more than 1M cavalry t12 for comfortable hunting, 416k t12 sieges, about 150K t12 ground troops. I’m ready for ask for any your questions.
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