Title says everything. I have had this wallhack for a while now, let me tell you, this one is the best wallhack I have ever used. I've used it from time to time since 2020, or for a good year or so. If you want to be a closet cheater then this one is for you, I have used it across several accounts and not one has been banned, I completely trust this wallhack. How good is it? Well, I wasn't really using it hardcore, but, I remember I got from GN1 to MGE in the span of a week. Is it a virus? Nope, completely clean. What are the payment methods? PayPal ff Do keep in mind that if people suspect you of cheating then they will report you and you will get muted, the only way to get unmuted is by getting 10,000 XP. Don't worry, the reports don't do anything, the chances of you being banned are 0,001%. Interested? Contact me on discord, Kapone#0278