Sold Middleman Hypixel Skyblock Selling Guide

Discussion in 'Hypixel Skyblock Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Epicnpc Bot, 7/18/21.

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  1. Epicnpc Bot

    Epicnpc Bot
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    Due to Minecraft's account management system, sellers need to do two things before selling a Hypixel Skyblock account.

    1) The email on the Hypixel Skyblock account must be provided to the buyer or middleman.
    2) The email must be on the Hypixel account for 30+ days.

    If either condition is not met, then the buyer should wait. If a Middleman transaction was created, our MM will cancel the transaction and instruct the seller to wait the full 30 days before starting another transaction...

    Middleman Hypixel Skyblock Selling Guide
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