Sold 15.5mil ultimate whale end game 383 arbiter, top 25 plat account consistently

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Raidaccounts, 7/18/21.

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  1. Raidaccounts

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    Not much more to say, but the pictures speak for themselves. 15.5mil whale account that can do everything needed, with ease. I will continue to play dailies, cvc, etc so resources may change

    -383 arbiter (387 if maxed)
    -20k gems
    -40k energy
    -200mil+ silver
    -has won all cvc so lots of reaction pieces
    -auto scarab team
    -auto griffin team
    -easy 1 key any affinity on auto
    -dt on auto (minus a few stages)
    -top plat account consistently, not just here and there like some claim
    -has every single...

    15.5mil ultimate whale end game 383 arbiter, top 25 plat account consistently
    #1 Raidaccounts, 7/18/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/20/23
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