Selling  Android  Average Hawk Freedom Squadron Best offer for fan of Hawk

Discussion in 'Hawk Freedom Squadron Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ggfan, 7/18/21.

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  1. ggfan

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    There are all planes included (except Poplar ), all brobots and megabrobots, all prototypes and types of equipment.

    Differently lvl upgraded. For example: 15 planes rank X and above (which makes it possible to win in Climb and Massive Assault, in new Contest with Sentinel XXX + Mercury XXX to gain over 130M).

    Implants on 30 planes plus resurrections reanimators on strikes aircraft.
    As a gift / bonus, you get hundreds, thousands of cards and tens of millions of experience.

    You become the captain of a large clan.

    Feel free to ask any questions.

    Clarification: I don't understand why it is marked as a "high risk". The system does not accept some data from me, such as location, etc. I can transfer an account with a link from Facebook., payment is through PayPal where all of my data is indicated.

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    #1 ggfan, 7/18/21
    Last edited: 7/19/21
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