Discussion in 'Kiss of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Insomnio-, 7/18/21.

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  1. Insomnio-

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    - 70M Power (Once I get 50% from SvS recovery center.), Whale account (formerly 80M Power. Lost 4M+ t5s on last 2 SvS. Making troops is easy. Officers are the endgame. It would be higher if I was not quitting the game because of work,
    Also Keeping it low for zone transfer if the buyer wants to move zones (Good zone already) Transfer tickets On Inventory =37)

    - Well Over 10k$ USD spent and 380 consecutive logins completing every event all the time and Winning Mightiest Commander 10+ times Maxing all of them after Dorian

    Getting an account like this from 0 will take you well over 20k$ USD, Probably a lot more.

    - iOS Account bound to Facebook. (I give you the Facebook. login and the Gmail login)

    - TOP 100 overlord ready.

    - TOP tier account with 8 max unbound 5 stars, Legendary Officers, With General Rank (max) with Max training LVL 20. Including top-tier officers Natalia and Diana. See screenshots

    - Max Training 20. 5* Natalia

    - Max Training 20. 5* Diana

    - Max Training 20. 5* Lilith

    - Max Training 20. 5* Ling

    - Max Training 20. 5* Jessica

    - Max Training 20. 5* Grace

    - Max Training 20. 5* Angelica

    - Max Training 20. 5* Katherine

    - ALL of them at LVL 60

    - All epics max training LVL 60 also

    All Badges to get max training on Chloe once you 5* her. Currently 4*

    - Got the new officer Amanda and got all her skills max out also got the 100 badges for max training. Just needs 11k Golden Stars for 5 stars.

    - 10 Base Decorations with Global Bonuses (See Screenshots)

    - 10 Outfits with global Bonuses

    - VIP 15

    - Top Tier Kill Count with Over 250M kills ( This is why troop count is lower. Easy to get the troop count up compared to officers badges/stars/ship/weapons)

    - Sims Ship Level 77. Naval artillery branch Max out working on Fire-Control Radar now. Ship Skill lvl. 8 ( and going up)

    - Porter Ship lvl. 30 and going up

    - Max research and max Building of course

    - 3 Springfields with 3 Buffs for one Unit type

    - Bazooka with tank Atk, total troop defense, and Garrison Atk perfect for a versatile Natalia Build ( Field fights, Tower Garrison, Base Garrison, and Siege)
    - Good PPSH
    - 3* MG
    - 3* STG with 2 Garrison Buffs

    and More, See Screenshots

    - Includes "Farm" account with 40M power and RSS ready to support your main. Natalia 5* there.


    Beating 100+M power players easily on Overlord.

    ******Price: 4000$ USD or The Highest Offer I get after a period of time. ******
    Don't be afraid to post your offer. Already got a 1300$ offer but that is too low. Looking for serious buyers only.

    I will keep playing until Sold. Currently winning SvS.

    ( I am selling it at a huge loss of time and money But life got in the way I hope whoever buys it, enjoys my account)

    - Fell free to ask me any questions or give me offers at my d!iscord:


    - I can also help you in the game and teach you the ins and outs. Just keep my discord.

    - Good reputation Seller. Ask me on discord for the post link to another game I sold. (Playerup won't let me share the link here.)

    Note: "Buyer pays the middle man"
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Amanda is now 5 stars max training.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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