Sold Top 1 percent Account up for grabs

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XIV FFXIV Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by SirIcaru, 7/17/21.

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  1. SirIcaru

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    I am ready to part with my beautiful account, which has been the product of years and years of playtime, with a lot of goodies for you to feast on and a perfect start to your Endwalkers experience.

    Here's what you get:


    Everything is max level. That means all tanks, healers, and DPS at 80. All crafters and all gatherers are also at 80. Blue mage is at its max level, 70.


    Gear: Most of the combat classes are sitting at 525+, some of them are max ilvl (530), and have their BiS equipped. Crafters and Gatherers have their absolute best gear equipped, which also has been max overmelded. This means there's nothing you cannot craft, and there's nothing you cannot gather. This means you can access any content at your whim, and the equipment on the classes will easily carry you to level 90 without having to replace it.

    Mounts: My favorite part. This account has 106 mounts, breaking 5 pages of mounts. Most of them have been painfully grinded, and that means you won't have to do a big grind for most content since it will be already there for you.

    Some notable mounts include:

    - The 50 million gil Gilded Mikoshi. That's right, there's a 50m ride in the account, very rare.
    - The 2MGP Sabotender Emperador.
    - The 1MGP Fenrir.
    - The 312 triple triad card mount.
    - Savage mounts like Eden, Alte Roite, and the 4-seater skyslipper.
    - The chocorpokkur mount which is no longer obtainable.
    - 3 no longer obtainable garou PvP mounts, will never come back, will never see them again.
    - Black Fat chocobo, no longer obtainable.
    - All ARR horses and Kirin.
    - All HW birds and Firebird.
    - All SB dogs and Kamuy of the nine tails.
    - Most ShB gwibs.
    - All tribe mounts
    - All crafted mounts.


    Minions: 176 minions including some minions which are no longer obtainable, like the Caith Sith.


    Gil: 70m gil, ready to spend to your heart's desire.

    Misc: Where to begin!

    - A small house in the lavender beds next to the waterfalls, and right outside a MB.
    - All triple triad cards in the account, minus tournament ones.
    - Shared Fates max level.
    - NPC Trust is max level.
    - Literally hundreds of glamour in the glamour dresser.
    - Tons of emotes and dances, earned through hard work.
    - 7 retainers filled with a massive stock of almost every material in the game, ready for you to tinker with.
    - Most content has been cleared, including extremes, savages, bozja, eureka, HoH, and more.
    - Max aetherpool on PotD and HoH, plus a massive stock of potions should you wish to play that.
    - Current savage tier has been cleared, and books have been stocked should you wish to gear up your favorite class in case its not already max ilvl.
    - Max tomestones.
    - Most other achivements that do mounts are pretty close to completion, since I am a mount collector.
    - Bozja is 2 field notes away from the rare 2 seater mount. I can finish it upon request before sale completion. Neverthless, bozja is stocked with a huge number of lost actions.

    My discord is TheDante#0094. Please serious inquiries only. I am open to offers, requests for proof, and any questions that you may have.
    #1 SirIcaru, 7/17/21
    Last edited: 7/17/21
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