Sold Na/Eu Inferno Sonata+more

Discussion in 'Identity V Accounts for Sale' started by Amorist, 7/14/21.

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  1. Amorist

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    Hi hi! This is another one of those situations where I'm not too sure I want to trade this off but I'm just curious for offers!
    Here's some things I'm looking for (Love to likey to accept btw!):

    True Proof
    Crimson Bride
    Golden Ratio

    I'm strictly looking to keep Candy Girl and Lady Bella + Accessory, so if you don't have those, please don't bother.
    I can take both devices but not Asia (possibly high ball will be accepted)
    I also refuse to trade...

    Na/Eu Inferno Sonata+more
    #1 Amorist, 7/14/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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