Sold Idv android na/eu ren amamiya account with morgana pet and more skins

Discussion in 'Identity V Accounts for Sale' started by siriora, 7/12/21.

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  1. siriora

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    Want to sell this Account for 100$
    Android NA/EU

    - ren amamiya (from p5)
    - you can buy another S skin from the shop (lady bella is in there) or 2 A skins if you want.
    - In short time you will be able to get S skin from event store.
    - frain condcutor
    - black rose
    - uninvited guest (from edward scissorhands)
    - Bloody sword
    - forgotten boy
    - Dream Massinger
    - Experienced Huntsman (Limited skin)
    - "specter" (Limited Halloween skin)
    - you can get A skins from event store


    idv android na/eu ren amamiya account with morgana pet and more skins
    #1 siriora, 7/12/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/1/23
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