Sold [GL] 5-7 map, Michael + Charon + Gabriel + Connolly + Victoria + Sariel + Eicy

Discussion in 'Alchemy Stars Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Taihouu, 7/8/21.

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  1. Taihouu

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    Hello, i want to sell my Alchemy Stars account

    Payment method: PayPal
    Price: 30$

    If you have questions, please message me on playerup or add me in Discord (Taihou#1548)

    Server: Global
    Level: 17
    Map: 5-7

    6⭐ Aurorians that i have: Victoria, Connolly, Gabriel, Sariel, Eicy, Michael, Charon
    5⭐ Aurorians that i have: Vice, Keating, Dayna, Noah, Hydrad, Kleken, Istvan, Beverly, Barbara, Areia, Sikare, Mia, Louise

    [GL] 5-7 map, Michael + Charon + Gabriel + Connolly + Victoria + Sariel + Eicy
    #1 Taihouu, 7/8/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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