This account is ready to kick some rear end. LOTS of Event Score boxes ready to open to get you to the top of your guild and help your guild get ranked. Over 2,000 gems. 3 Skins Speed gear with over 80% (not including guild or party bonus) Gold find gear with over 225% (not including party bonuses) A few gold find crescents that have not been leveled up so you can quickly increase this. Honest account owner, no problems. I'd like about $100. I think this is a very good deal if you consider the hundreds of hours I have put into the game to get the character to this point. Mage and Knight are low level but have good equipment and high power for their level. Write me [email protected]
Consider this thread closed. I was scammed out of the account by a Chinese Australian living in Brisbane Australia. He contacted me with this account [email protected] and its tied to this Facebook.: Calvin Lei | Facebook. This guy knows his real identity Thelstan Hong He's in the KingsRoad guild Threes Company Be warned. Unfortunately there are very dishonest people in this world.