Sold Mastery 13 with lots of warframe primes, 724 platinum, almost fully upgraded prime mods, etc

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RC55, 7/3/21.

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  1. RC55

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    Hey I'm currently selling my warframe account, since I don't play anymore.

    Warframes INFO: Ember Prime, Ash Prime, Nidus, Loki Prime, Wukong Prime, Volt Prime all have their own set of modding depending on there situations, for example Volt prime has different modding build if you want max speed or high end damage on her ult.



    Red Crit Weapons:



    Ninkondi Prime should red crit for huge amounts


    And Finally,

    Iron staff Prime


    My iron staff prime have done hundred of thousands of dmg while red critting. Unfortunately I don't have the pictures.

    Here are the moddings.

    It has 3 formulas built in.


    Vaulted Relics/Normal relics







    Fashion Frame Warframes:

    Wukong Prime:






    Volt Prime:


    And Rhino Prime:


    Prime Mods:


    There is a legendary core if you want to upgrade your prime mods.

    Final Details:

    10k ENDO, 1.3m credit, 727 platinum, Fashion Framed Warframes, Lots of relics/vaulted relics, Red critting weapons, 8 warframe primes, 8 prime mods, 3 rivens, all planets unlocked, and I have my own clan where you can get more weapons and research at.

    Despite the low mastery, my Wukong Prime can beat level 150+ fairly easily, while being able to red crit at hundred of thousands of dmg.

    If you're interested, DM me on discord

    wheres the funny#4710


    I only accept steam money! You can send steam money using credit card or by sending me a steam card with a working pin.
    #1 RC55, 7/3/21
    Last edited: 7/6/21
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