Season 4 - Season X maxed battle pass. Chapter 2 Season 1, Maxed Skins bought from v-bucks / Exclusive Skins Red Knight, Blue Striker, Ginger Gunner, Rabbit Raider, Rapscallion, Summit Striker, Trailblazer, Blue Team Leader, Brawler, Party Trooper, Nog Ops And Pastel. Pickaxes bought from v-bucks / Exclusive Pickaxes Candy Axe, Renegade Roller, Batsickle, Cat's Claw, Flatliner, Plunja, Reaper, Spectral Axe, Vision, Bootstraps, Chew Toy, Chocollama, Emblematic, Icicle, You Shouldn't Have, Tenderizer and PS+ Controller. Also this account got save the world. 575 Wins. Account level: 1223. Contact me on discord if you have any guestions. pena#0001 Images on discord