As above,look to sell it fast and cheap,I'm unable to invest that much time in a game anymore thats why i won't be playing. Gear: -jade tier 5 (rings,ammy,sword,wrists,armor) -Everything rest mixed t3-t4 That also includes decent crit treasures. On the weapon manual side I've maxed single sword to 512 the rest are low. Skill sets -Bv 4th unlocked to 4 and leveled to 4 -Spikes up to level 7 (mana cost) -Iron head -Drunken style -It also has another long staff shop set forgot its name. Out of main school sets: -RG rope level 4 Steed-3rings -Meridians: Bv-144 Tang-144 the rest-108 Jianghu meridians 45 Chaotic style level 30 Monkey pet,Couple of outfits and vip for next 3months. Not sure if I mentioned everything but feel free to contact me if you're interested.I'm willing to give it really cheap as I have no use of it anymore.