I offer legend 34 full account for great price 55 usd. Nickname: FILIPSVK123, 9,6 k gear score Turrets: shaft mk8 (all augments except adrenaline but incept armour piercing sight), hammer mk8 (all common augments except high ammo clip), magnum (harpoon, armour piercing core, adrenaline, mortar, reinforced carriage, automated gunpowder), railgun (emp augnment, death herald, accelerator scout, hyperspace rounds, round stabilizition and destabilization), thunder mk8 (subcaliber rounds, small charhe machine and sledgehammer rounds), isida mk7 (broadband radiators, support nanobots,nanomass reactor) smoky mk7(autocannon, assault rounds, cryo rounds,emp rounds, explosive rounds,rubberized rounds, high precision aiming system),striker mk7 ( hunter launcher, rocket remote explosives, stun missiles, uranium) and gauss mk7 (adrenaline and emp augment too)... all protection modules 40% resistance or more.... Hulls: hornet mk8 (heavyweight construction and emp immunity), other hulls mk7 (hunter 11/20 - heat immunity and titan 11/20 - AP imunity, heat resistance, cold immunity), viking mk7 (heavyweight construction, stun imunity, lightweight construction, emp immunity, cold immunity, wasp and dictator also mk7 nad lot more... 3284 tankoins fully upgraded booster drone (20/20), trickster drone 10/20, saboteur drone (7/20) If u have some questions about this account, u may contact me: [email protected]
hallo ich könnte Acc gegen eine gute Legende tauschen 18 kannst du dir auch das Profil anschauen Name Test59723 mehr Details gebe ich dir später da ich momentan sehr beschäftigt bin würde mich über deine Antwort freuen Gruß, Silas.