Sold Beast EU64 Almight +card+activ) Endeavor +card) Tokoyami +card) Momo, Aizawa

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Daniman4, 6/18/21.

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  1. Daniman4

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    Only bought the 15$ pack to get Uraraka to SS and get Aizawa.
    Incredible personal account with dummy gmail (will be given with the account).
    If you have any questions contact on discord - FatalPie#7117

    S Heroes - All except shoto and bakugo.
    S support cards - Active Almight card, Passive Tokoyami, Passive Almight, Passive Endeavor Spear Card (most important one).
    Lots of S Chips fully set for all S characters.
    Looking for 100$ or best offer, paypal friends and family or crypto...

    Beast EU64 Almight +card+activ) Endeavor +card) Tokoyami +card) Momo, Aizawa
    #1 Daniman4, 6/18/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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