Sold 3 SS, 10 S, only missing Endeavour and Bakugo trafing for fgo na account

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Miguelogg, 6/17/21.

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  1. Miguelogg

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    I wanna trade my MHA acc for an endgame Fgo NA acc.

    The acc has all characters except Endeavor and Bakugo.

    All might has 1 dupe.

    Pity on the Exclusive Banner is at 99 so you can get SS all might or any other character you want with just a single pull.

    The acc has all the peacekeeping packs bought plus monthly benefits for 39 days left

    All might has 33k BP.

    Here are some Screenshots:


    Pm me, ty
    #1 Miguelogg, 6/17/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/21/23
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