Sold Grand Mafia Account 67mil

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by John9876, 6/17/21.

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  1. John9876

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    Selling my GM account in 55. In good standing with faction if wanting to stay. Been with fast growing faction for about a year.

    3 Grand UBs - Nioh, Onryo, Vinny
    Economy and Crew at 90% completed
    Investment speed at 270% in Gov War
    Construction speed at 228% in Gov War

    I am continuing to grow the account but it currently is at 67 million influence and has:
    40k gold.
    20 days general and investment
    80 days training
    20 days healing
    - been focusing on Hellcat events.

    Please ask if...

    Grand Mafia Account 67mil
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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