Sold 130m+ inf / 615k T4 / 200d Speedups / 300k gold / city 90+ / 1.500

Discussion in 'The Grand Mafia TGM Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by goodvibes2468, 6/17/21.

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  1. goodvibes2468

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    Selling my T4 account that I built up by spending a fortune in the last months. Good reputation in the city and GW (city 90+, current GW S12). The best thing is the massively full inventory that will help you to easily push this account further and in the direction you want (e.g. with the 800+ equipment create coupons).

    Price: .1500$ plus fees, in case you want to use MM service.

    - 130m+ influence and growing
    - 590k T4 + 25k in Training
    - 290k gold
    - Kings Set on rare 50% rare 50% epic...

    130m+ inf / 615k T4 / 200d Speedups / 300k gold / city 90+ / 1.500$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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