Sold Trading semi decent acc and money for better acc

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by Bearsyyy, 6/16/21.

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  1. Bearsyyy

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    Lvl 150 acc 1000 crafting materials 40+ legendaries 440 packs into first heirloom
    Damage badges: 2k on octane, pathfinder, revenant. 3k on wraith
    Stats: 300 kills on wraith 100k dmg, 600 arena kills on pathfinder 250k dmg, 220 kills on revenant 75k dmg,
    9 arena win streak badge, and have $50+ (also can add an 4k acc for extra price)
    want an acc for wraith w voidwalker and heirloom w the season 5 battle pass banner for wraith, 3k dmg badge+ and over 1000 kills
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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