Maxed rs3 main account for sale, 120 fm, magic, archaeology(200m xp) and invention. A bit over 1b total xp. All Elite skilling outfits except dungeoneering. Level 20: mattock of space and time, crystal fishing rod and pyro-matic. 201 QP, legendary pet(s) 400M cash, Advanced gold accumulator. Runescore 8000. Over 35k proteans, 25k corrupted ore. 10x small restoration pots(each 1h double xp), 1000x sign of porters(25 charges each) and over 500 wicked hood teleport tokens. 1300 crystal motherlode shards. 500 combat training dummies, 120 slayer dummies. 4x portable deposit boxes Many skilling pets, no boss pets. +9 year old account. Few untradable items such as Gote, Botg, amulet of souls(or) and blood amulet of fury. 112 slayer, 106 Dungeoneering. ~ one month of membership left. Access to Email not granted, I’ll help you to change it. Contact me on Discord for more information: Cucumber Pancake#6630 Paypal only.