Sold PC Wraith Heirloom accounts, full access change everything

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by papermoonz, 6/12/21.

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  1. papermoonz

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    Wraith Heirloom accounts:
    1) lv 91, 8 Llgendary skins + wraith heirloom
    2) lv 90+, airship assassin, redshift octane + 27 other legendaries + wraith heirloom
    3) lv 100+ , 50 legendaries + wraith heirloom, includes very rare killer b bangalore skin and red shift octane, lv 66 active battle pass

    4) Lvl 100+ airship assassin, 50 legendaries, kunai
    5) 60+ legendaries, lv 100+, kunai
    FULL ACCESS CHANGE EVERYTHINGdm me on discord @Dawnbreak#9281 for details.
    Change: Name, Password, Secret...

    PC Wraith Heirloom accounts, full access change everything
    #1 papermoonz, 6/12/21
    Last edited by a moderator: 4/29/23
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