I have M3 thunder (damage&reload fully mu-ed) M2 Firebird Freeze Isida hammer Ricochet Railgun Vulcan Hornet Hunter Viking Mammoth M1 Titan Smoky Shaft Paints Rustle(fully mu-ed 48 thunder 30 freeze 15 isida),Electra,Python,Roger,Tundra,Corrosion,Swash,Dirty,In love,Metallic,Flora etc. Spent about $200+ on crystals. Images Requirement for trade- Rank above Lieutenant General(#) Any garage Proof of ownership of account Email. Contact me if interested:- [email protected]
huuh? Are u posting everywhere?U are the one said me to "link first" instead of lets link together thats the sign of scammers tactics. Plus when I was linking i lagged and refreshed the page and u changed password.
i never changed anything because you was still logged in my account so quit lieing and move along no one is gonna fall for your scams have a good day your a typical scammer no way you can link together so have a nice day
The account is now Colonel and 61k added to the wallet. Now we can also trade with my steam account worth more than $1100 with your account.You can see more about my steam account by clicking here here.