Sold [Eu] All might/Fumikage/Momo/Bakugo (Account lvl 32)

Discussion in 'My Hero Academia The Strongest Hero Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by RayanSterling, 6/7/21.

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  1. RayanSterling

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    Hello I sell my account MHA lvl 32
    The account has:
    All Might/ Fumikage/ Momo/ Bakugo/ Ochako SS
    The account has 2 cards 6* of fumikage and full of 5*
    I bought several packs for about 250€.
    So I sell the account to the highest bidder or at the fixed price of 150€.
    The account is linked to facebook
    My Discord :RayanSasuke#3953

    For the pictures send me a Discord message I can't post them on the post
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